Thursday, October 02, 2008

Dream Calendar Update!

I have totally slacked in my blogging, due to the late hours I've been pulling as I edit sessions and work on logistical stuff. I actually feel like a college student again, as I've seen the clock hit 1 and 2 am a few times, unfortunately no caffeine is allowed right now, so it's pure will power to keep my eyes open! But, I wanted to let you know, it's going great!

The sessions have blown me away and I fall in love with each child who comes to have their pictures taken. They are each so precious and adorable and come with stories that are often unbelievable!

The calendar is however, in need of some more sponsors and so I'm plugging this on all my blogs in case I've forgotten to ask one of you in person, via email or on the phone. If you or someone you know may be interested in purchasing an ad to help fund the printing of the calendar please let me know. The sponsors are so vital, as they will insure that 100% of the proceeds will go directly to Clouds of Hope!

If you think of any info that may help me out on this endeavor, please send me an email or leave a comment here!

Thanks again!
I'll keep you posted as it gets closer to production!


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