Thursday, March 06, 2008

Lake Yale 2008

This year, the BCM's State Student Conference was held at Lake Yale. Rahul had a big part in the planning, so he had to arrive early, which left me with the 3 kiddos and a pretty long drive! Thankfully, Sarah and Bill were able to join me on the never-ending and at times very confusing journey there! The kids were oblivious to the horrible Google directions, which was probably a life saver! At any rate, the weekend was amazing! Rahul led a seminar on Solarium and I taught one based on the book Gift Wrapped By God. Loy's wonderful wife Glenda and dozens of other Florida BCM'ers watched the kids while we were in our sessions. That was a huge blessing!

The boys had a blast getting to know other students and loved all of the outside time they had to run, play, slide and get dizzy on the merry go round! (Old school style!!) Eden however, got sick while we were there and was pretty pitiful! If it hadn't been for Sarah, Bill and Erica, I have no idea how I would have survived!!

God did some incredible things in the lives of students during those few days! The speakers were fantastic and so was the music! It was a phenomenal weekend! I have a few other images from the conference that I really want to share (my kids on stage)!! But for now, I wanted to put up some of my favorite images taken on one of many weekend walks, which gave me the perfect opportunity to hang out with my precious children at one of my favorite places of all time- Lake Yale!

You know, every time we end up there I think back to all the things I learned as a high school student over summer breaks. Those were great seasons of spiritual growth for me. I'm also reminded of God's provision, as I think back to that momentous occasion where we were interviewed by the board and voted in as staff following the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Lake Yale is full of so many memories and I am so excited that my children are getting to experience it at such a young age!

One of my favorite places of all, right by the water. I've had many conversations with the Lord here!

It was beautiful outside for my hour long walk with the kiddos!

One of the best views!

The famous "fountain and bridge." The boys begged to play here forever. Thankfully, I convinced them otherwise!
I was so excited that I caught this moment when Collin reached over to hug on Griffin right after they walked off the bridge. It's one of my favorites ever!
Another view from our walk.
We saw this really interesting bug!
Collin took a little break! He was walking, while Griffin and Eden enjoyed being pushed in the stroller!
The boys spent a lot of time here on this merry go round. Collin always wanted it to go fast, while Griffin pleaded for a much slower pace! It was pretty comical! If you look closely at Collin's face, you'll see the battle wounds from his fall off the incredibly high slide!
Collin enjoyed riding from this angle!
Griffin only wanted to pose for the picture like this...
...but then he had to sit up for the ride!
Outside was about the only place Eden was happy, unless she was in someone's arms!! So, we walked and walked and walked! I love that she put her legs up like this! That's my girl!! Check her out- doesn't she just make your heart melt?


Blogger Heather Henderson said...

How fun! I DREAD long car rides with my kids. I am so thankful for your safe arrival! That one of the boys hugging is BEAUTIFUL!! Definatly frame-worthy. What sort of editing program are you using these days?

7:02 PM

Blogger SouthAsiaRocks said...

GREAT Pics!!! I LOVE that pic of Collin hugging Griffin!! That was adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so great!!!!
Totally great pics - love the doc pic :)
Eden is awesome with her legs too - haha!

10:14 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

hey, the "CROSS" photo would be great blown up and hanging in MY house. You have an amazing talent Annie. oh and the pic of the boys... I want that one too!!!

9:38 AM

Blogger Life in Green-Land said...

ok, frame the hug one b/c that is awesome! and the one of collin on the bench kinda looks like a cool cd cover or something!

12:07 PM

Blogger David Staples said...

Those were cute pictures. I forget their is a beautiful side to Lake Yale. I'm usually distracted by the food and the ancient rooms. And those Google directions were AWFUL. I had it running on my phone and we got headed into some bizarre direction. I had fun getting to see your kids and meeting Eden.

11:07 AM

Blogger Elizabeth Bradley said...

These pictures of Lake Yale are beautiful... I don't remember going there as a kid... not sure why?

I love the pic of Collin hugging Griffin. So precious!

10:55 AM

Blogger Sarah said...

All of these pictures are incredible! You are so talented! I can't believe I just now looked at them all...I was thinking about my neglected blog and thought I'd check up on yours too ; ]

7:50 AM

Blogger cornellfamily4 said...

I went to work with Dub yesterday and we drove right by Lake Yale conference center. We only live about 30 minutes from there. If you ever are in need of a friend in the area (baby sitter ect) let me know. I would be glad to help you out.

12:13 PM


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