Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Painting NOT Carving!

Well, here are the much anticipated pictures of the boys painting their pumpkins. You must understand the potential mess factor here- first, Griffin and paint! Come on- I don't even need to go there. Then there's artsy Collin. Surprisingly, the only things that were covered with wet paint were tiny and orange! I'll take the small miracles! :-)

Griffin getting started- he wanted just green!
Collin's first idea was to make a smiley face!
Then he decided to add a little more color here and there. (Notice that he started off with garnet- you see his original plan was to make it garnet and gold!)
Still working!

Griffin decided he wanted to add a couple more colors, which of course prompted Collin to do the same!
This was Collin's final masterpiece!

And Griffin's too!
Take note of all that paint on the tops! It took hours and hours to dry. But, the kids were clean, the table was spared from any spills or messes and we all had a blast! Maybe next year we'll try the carving thing... or maybe not!


Blogger SouthAsiaRocks said...

Those are some cute pumpkins! I love the "artist" look on collin's face while he's painting - so cute!

4:16 AM

Blogger Heather Henderson said...

Those pumpkins are awesome! Paint definatly looks easier than carving! My sister let her 6 month old daughter paint her pumpkin with children's finger paint. They were the funniest pics I have seen in a while. You have to look!

8:04 AM

Blogger The Agarwals said...

Heather, I took a look at your sister's blog- she was so brave!! I never even dreamt of letting Eden try it- now I feel so "guilty!" What a photo opp that would have been!!

11:00 AM


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