Bill's Off To Boston (and it's not for baseball)
Bill is doing Summer Missions for the next month- in Boston- yes, home of his favorite baseball team! But, instead of watching games from the stands, he's going to be getting his hands dirty... leading VBS, working with children, teens and adults and serving the Lord in many more exciting ways! We put together a little survival bag for him, along with the boys help- here are just a couple of the many little tid bits we gave him...
Keep Bill and all the other summer missionaries in your prayers- as they give up rest, vacations and a much needed break to spread the Gospel to those who need to hear it most!
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel -Ephesians 6:19
Summer missions changed my life. I went on a summer mission to Alabama and ended up at a small college in Forida where I met some guy named Rick and ended up marrying him. Then we had two kids and almost 8 years later....SOOSOSOSO HAPPY! Good luck to Baboo!
2:56 PM
COOL! THat's awesome he's doing summer missions! Rockon!!! Go Bill!!! I loved getting care packages before I left for summer M stuff... that was fun :) Good memories :)
I LOVE that ball - we have 3 of them and whenever people bring their kids over we bring them out... they're very popular... oh, but when they break, you can put them on your head like a hat... and they make you look like a Dr. Seuss character :)
10:44 PM
THis is where we got the idea (from our friend's blog) - check it out - it's hilarious!
10:49 PM
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